About Me

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Jeremy and I are high school sweethearts and were married in December of 2009. Jeremy is a youth minister while I am a teacher. We currently live in Grenada, MS, and absolutely love it! We have two children: Conner and Mary Evelyn. Blessed beyond measure!

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Merry Christmas, Baby R!

We were so blessed to receive many gifts for Baby R this Christmas. We even got some "mommy and daddy" gifts to help prepare us for parenthood. Here are a few pictures of the generous gifts our families gave.

Baby R's awesome gifts

"Mommy and Daddy" Gifts

Over the past month, we have also gathered fabrics and bedding for Baby R's room. It is very exciting to be getting all of these things together! Here are some of the ideas we have so far.

Bed skirt made out of these two fabrics...

Bumper and blanket made out of this...

Pillows and accents made out of the fabrics above and these...

Blankets, baskets, and stuffed animals...

Jeremy and I are so very thankful for all of these wonderful gifts! We will keep you posted on our journey and will give you little updates along the way. We are so very appreciative of all each of you have done. Thank you again!

Monday, December 26, 2011

Just a little update...

I thought I'd give you all an update on our process. Many of you have been so kind to ask about where we are and what is taking place. Well, we are almost finished with paperwork! Jeremy and I must complete our physicals, and I need one more employee verification. After those documents are in our hands, we will mail off our packet! Additionally, we are anxiously waiting for training at the end of January. We are so excited! In the mean time, I am going to post pictures of Baby R's Christmas gifts! So, be looking for that post in a couple of days! It is so special to see how loved this baby is already. God is truly amazing. We are so very thankful. Jeremy and I hope each of you had a blessed Christmas!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

It's official...we're adopting!

Now you’ve heard the exciting news about our adoption journey! To some of you, this may be a shock and to others a confusion. So that we may better explain ourselves, Jeremy and I want to take the time to share with you how this decision came about and what we need from you.

Background Story:
From the time our relationship developed into something more serious, we continuously discussed adoption as a part of our family plan. James 1:27 tells us to care for orphans, so Jeremy and I felt that this is something we should follow through with. God’s word shows us the way, and this is one thing that we felt called to do. Adoption was something we were both passionate about, but thought we would save it until after having biological children. Before we married, we decided to support a child through Holt International since we were not at a point where adoption was an option. However, we should have stopped right there because what did I just say? “WE would save it until after having biological children.” Well, we all know how it works when WE try to plan.
Anyway, in the spring of this year, Jeremy and I had come to the conclusion that we were ready for kids. Through learning about and praying for my grandmother’s cancer, I realized our timing- waiting five years - might not be what God had in store. We prayed and had a peace that it would soon be time. We were settled only twenty minutes away from family, and it seemed perfect. God wasn’t opening doors for another church, so we quit looking and thought this was HIS plan. After a few months of being at peace with where we were and trying to decide the perfect maternity leave time, God decided to intervene. He planned for us to move six…yes SIX…hours away from everything we had ever known. With all of the happenings and signs, it was impossible for us to say no to this opened door. So, we picked up and moved. Of course this put a hold on Baby R, but Jeremy and I were okay with that. We knew God would again show us the way. So now, here we are in Gulfport, MS, adjusting to a new life. 

Puzzle Pieces:
Enter Charlie and Lisa Ray- our pastor and his wife…
They are foster-to-adopt parents, and we have learned so much from them. Each time Jeremy and I met with them, a feeling of “I have to help out these kids in need!” overwhelmed me. Apparently Jeremy had somewhat felt the same way, but neither of us mentioned it to each other for several weeks. 
Enter Brandy Moran- my new “teacher-friend”…
She and her husband adopted two years ago. She has shared so much with me about processes and inside details to help Jeremy and I decided what to do…down the road of course…or so we thought. She also shared a story of a friend who just adopted and offered to set up a meeting with her for us to discuss any concerns I had. Her insight and support has been God-sent over the past four months.
       Enter Holt International update…
We received an update on our little girl in China. She is STILL waiting on parents, and this broke my heart. Of course we are too young for international adoption, but this was the final confirmation that God’s plan was being revealed; it was time to begin this journey. 

The Decision:
Since the move, Jeremy and I couldn’t find peace about biological children again, and honestly, I was not ready for pregnancy. After much prayer and putting together the puzzle pieces, - Charlie and Lisa, Brandy, and Holt International- we decided God was calling us to adopt and to adopt NOW! No wonder we were not at peace; we were trying to make OUR plan- not GOD’s plan.  So the journey began…
As for what we have decided, we realize there are agencies all over to work with. However, there are children in our own shelter, in Gulfport, who are in desperate need of a loving home. Because of this, we chose to work with Mississippi Family and Child Services. There are many options available, but we are hoping for a child under the age of one. If God plans for something else, we feel sure He will provide us with how to respond to that situation. It could be a few months, or it could be years, but it is all in the Master’s hands. 

What We Need From You:
PRAYER. It’s quite simple- prayer. We know that through your prayers, you support us. We realize there are many questions because we have them, too! For now we will answer what we are able, but just begin with praying…pray for Baby R, pray for the birthmother, pray for us, pray for the process, and pray for our families.  Most of all, pray for God to show us His plan. 
All we know to say is that this is tugging at our hearts, and we feel total peace that God has the perfect child planned for us. Yes, we realize it is an uneasy process, but it is also a beautiful one. Keep us in your thoughts and prayers as we are doing for you. After all, you will be a very big part of this process, too! 
We are so excited to have started this adventure, yet realize it will take time. However, we have total trust and faith because God’s mighty hand is all over this process! Jeremy and I want to leave you with our Adoption Journey Verse: “Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.” Hebrews 11:1. We are so thankful for each one of you and are ready to experience this journey with you.